Archive 2021
5 Results-
Environmental Year in Review: Fires, flooding and forest restoration in Flagstaff
December 26th, 2021 | Climate change was again a major focus in Flagstaff in 2021 and the region saw the effects firsthand with a summer of extreme wildfires. The community moved forward on critical climate regulations and worked proactively to curb the severity of future issues, with some drawing public criticism.
Source: Arizona Daily Sun
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Trails reopen but hazards remain after Bighorn Fire north of Tucson
Dec 22, 2021 | After Bighorn burned almost 120,000 acres between June 5 and July 23, 2020, the Forest Service closed the burn scar area to the public including almost 207 miles of trails. A combination of nonprofit group work, grant-funded conservation corps, and Forest Service staff work has steadily opened more trail sections over the past year.
Source: Arizona Daily Star
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You Have To Be High Intensity
November 10th, 2021 | Arizona Conservation Corps crew members are working with Cocopah to reduce the risk of wildfires and restore the habitat on the west reservation.
Source: Cocopah Now
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Feds make Oak Creek a ‘critical’ snake habitat
November 10th, 2021 | When a group of Arizona Conservation Corps workers were performing trail maintenance in upper Oak Creek Canyon last month, they came upon a rare sight next to an unofficial trail: Five olive gray snakes with faint reddish spots intertwined in courtship.
Source: Red Rock News
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Crews close social trails, a bane of erosion, E. Coli and ecosystem impacts, along Oak Creek
October 22, 2021 | "This week, a group of Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC) members completed the second phase of a project that officials hope will rehabilitate many areas along the corridor that have been hit hard by visitors, improve water quality in the creek and protect habitat for the threatened narrow-headed garter snake.
The project, a collaboration between countless groups including the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, National Forest Foundation, Coconino National Forest’s Red Rock District and the AZCC, seeks to close hundreds of unofficial social trails that crisscross the area between the highway and the creek."
Source: Arizona Daily Sun
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