Archive 2020
5 Results-
Investing in the Next Generation of National Park Stewards
AZCC In the NewsAugust 26, 2020 | Last year, the National Park Foundation provided over $3.5 million to service corps programs at more than 30 national park sites. These crews accomplished critical maintenance projects like habitat restoration, trail maintenance, historic building restoration, and more, all while gaining work experience and hands-on skills. In all, these service corps members helped to remove over 70 acres of vegetation and restore 700 acres of natural habitat.
Source: National Park Foundation • Arizona Conservation Corps
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Brush cleanup project at Shoofly
AZCC In the NewsAugust 7, 2020| PAYSON - During the week of June 15, Friends of the Tonto National Forest board member Scott Wood worked with Angie Abel of the Payson Ranger District and the Arizona Conservation Corps (AZCC) to clear brush and noxious weeds and repair trails at the Shoofly Village Ruins.
Source: Payson Roundup • Arizona Conservation Corps
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Cyclists Coalition awarded $102,000 trail-building grant
AZCC In the NewsJuly 7, 2020 | COTTONWOOD – The Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition was recently awarded a $102,000 trail building grant from the Catena Foundation for Phase 2 of the Blowout Wash Trail System.
The Blowout Wash Trail System is a three-year construction project within the Verde Ranger District of the Prescott National Forest. It’s a 27-mile stacked, loop system to facilitate recreational opportunities, both close-in and farther-out, located on the east slope of Mingus Mountain adjacent to the communities of Cottonwood, Clarkdale and Jerome.
According to VVCC President Marty Glinsky, the project’s second-phase construction will build nine miles of loop trails utilizing Arizona Conservation Corps youth crews, volunteers and Forest Service personnel.
Source: The Verde Valley Independent & Camp Verde Bugle • Arizona Conservation Corps
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COVID-19 Response Plan
AZCC In the NewsJune 29, 2020 | This will be updated regularly by Conservation Legacy staff with changes or further announcements. Last updated 6/29/20.
The safety of our participants, staff, and partners is our utmost priority. We have activated an Incident Response Team dedicated to addressing the impact of COVID-19 on our organization.
Below you will find updates regarding Conservation Legacy’s response to the emerging concerns related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Conservation Legacy Brand Refresh
AZCC In the NewsApril 13, 2020 | Throughout 2019 and continuing into 2020, the Conservation Legacy Communications Team has been analyzing our brand, visual identity, messaging and communication strategies. It has taken the effort of our entire staff to pull together a comprehensive body of research, culminating with our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan. With that, we have refreshed our Conservation Legacy logo and program visual identities.